Buku edisi 15 ini berisi cakupan terintegrasi tentang perkembangan standar auditing Internasional dan menekankan isu-isu yang mempengaruhi audit entitas multinasional. Buku ini terdiri dari empat bagian dan 13 bab, antara lain Menyelesaikan Audit; Audit Keuangan.
Buku edisi 15 ini berisi cakupan terintegrasi tentang perkembangan standar auditing Internasional dan menekankan isu-isu yang mempengaruhi audit entitas multinasional. Bahasan buku ini tentang Profesi Auditing dan Proses Audit.
Auditing and Assurance Services : An Integrated Approach is an introduction to auditing and other assurance services. The text is divided into six parts. The chapters are relatively brief and designed to be easily read and comprehended by students. Part 1 The Auditing Profession (Chapters 1-5), Part 2 The Audit Process (Chapters 6-13), Part 3 Application of the Audit Process to the Sales and Co…
Auditing and Assurance Services : An Integrated Approach is an introduction to auditing and other assurance services. The text is divided into six parts. The chapters are relatively brief and designed to be easily read and comprehended by students. Part 1 The Auditing Profession (Chapters 1-5), Part 2 The Audit Process (Chapters 6-13), Part 3 Application of the Audit Process to the Sales and Co…
Buku ini menekankan pada proses pengambilan keputusan yang dilakukan oleh auditor, dengan keyakinan bahwa konsep auditing yang sangat mendasar adalah menentukan sifat dan jumlah bukti yang harus dikumpulkan oleh auditor untuk situasi perjanjian audit
Auditing and Assurance Services : An Integrated Approach is an introduction to auditing and other assurance services for students who have not had significant experience in providing such services.