Dalam wujud menyukseskan Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Indonesia menetapkan ekonomi hijau (green economiy) sebagai strategi utama transformasi ekonomi dalam jangka menengah panjang. maka dari itu , perlu adanya perubahan konsep dalam berbisnis yang mendukung lingkungan hidup yang berkelanjutan, sebagai jawaban dari perubahan konsep berbisnis ini, Green Management memiliki pengertian kom…
Buku ini berisi keprihatinan penulis terhadap semakin seriusnya krisis sosial dan lingkungan, serta gagasan-gagasan penting untuk mengatasi krisis tersebut berupa strategi dan kebijakan untuk menghijaukan Indonesia melalui pendekatan ekonomi, bisnis, serta akuntansi hijau. Buku Green Economy ini bertujuan untuk menginspirasi dan menggerakkan berbagai pihak pembaca, terutama pemerintah, DPR dan …
The Economy Today strives to develop, illustrate, and review the core ideas of economic theory. To reinforce and enliven these concepts. The Economy Today teaches principles in a real-worl context that students will recognize.
The macro Economy Today Utilizes the core question of economics: WHAT, HOW, and FOR WHOM, WHAT goods and services does the united states produce? HOW is that output produce? FOR HOM is the output produced?. The author chalenges students to consider who best answer these question-thew market or the goverment-allowing students to think analytically about our economy today.
Power Station Engineering and Economy
The Macro Economy Today is well-known for its balanced presentation and for unique chapter. In addition the AS/AD model is now separated from the keynesian cross, which gives instructor the freedom to cover the topics they want to include and easily exclude the ones they dont.
This book has two primary objectives To provide students with a sound understanding of the principles, basic concepts, and methodology of engineering economy To help students develop proficiency with these methods and with the process for facilitating rational decisions they are likely to encounter in professional practice
This book over a period of more than 50 years, it has been used in many hundreds of colleges and universities and scores of training programs in business and industry