Bahasan dalam buku Applied Geotechnics For Engineers 1 ini adalah: Fondasi pada tanah dan batuan, Eksplorasi air tanah, Permeabilitas, Pergerakan tanah dan perilakunya, Hazard geologi seismik, Perbaiakan tanah, Slope dan longsoran, Dinding penahan tanah, Instrumentasi dan pemantauan, Geosintetik, Pelaporan geoteknik.
Bahasan dalam buku Applied Geotechnics For Engineers 2 ini adalah: Fondasi pada tanah dan batuan, Eksplorasi air tanah, Permeabilitas, Pergerakan tanah dan perilakunya, Hazard geologi seismik, Perbaiakan tanah, Slope dan longsoran, Dinding penahan tanah, Instrumentasi dan pemantauan, Geosintetik, Pelaporan geoteknik.
Kent's Mechanical Engineers' Handbook
The second edition presents some of the material in a slightly different sequence. Fifteen additional years of teaching experience have convinced me that it is easier for the students to understand the time, Laplace, and frequency techniques if both the dynamics and the control are presented together for each domain.
This new editions will be useful both as a general introduction to mathematics and reference tool for students of engineering and science
This fifth edition of Numerical Metods for Engineers offers an innovative and accessible presentation of numerical methods.
The main objective of a first course in mechanics should be to develop in the engineering student the ability to analyze any problem in a simple and logical manner and to apply to its solution a few, well understood, basic principles.
The main objective of a first course in mechanics should be to develop in the enginering student the ability to analyze any problem in asimple and logical.