The material contained in the seven chapters would normally comprise a first course in basic fluid mechanics for engineers and scientist.
The aim of this book is to present an introduction to the fundamentals of fluid mechanics.
The desired aim of the book, an introduction to the field of technical hydro and aerodynamics, was achieved, with respect to both the selection of material and also its manner of presentation.
This textbook is intended for beginners who have completed differential and integral calculus and engineering courses in statics and dynamics.
Buku teks mekanika zalir untuk mata kuliah yang disajikan selama satu atau dua semester dalm program S1.
the fifth edition of this established text provides an excellent and comprehensive treatment of fluid mechanics that is concisely written and support by good worked examples.
This book is intended for use as a textbook in the first fluid mechanics course for undergraduate engineering students in their junior or senior year.
This book is intended for junior and senior engineering students who are interested in learning some fundamentals aspect of fluid mechanics
A fluid defined a substance which cannot resist shear stress and thus offers no resistance to change of shape
This edition is essential an adaptation of the second edition and all the examples have been retained.