The material contained in the seven chapters would normally comprise a first course in basic fluid mechanics for engineers and scientist.
Engineering mechanics is a core subject taught to engineering students in the first year of their course by going through this subject the students develop the capability to model actual problem in to an engineering problem and find the solutions using laws at mechanics.
This textbook is intended to present the currently accepted theories, design principles and practices of soil mechanics and foundation engineering. The assumptions and limitations used in developing a theory or a method are pointed out and sufficient number of examples and practice problems are included to illustrate the application of basis principles of proctical problems.The text provides su…
The aim of this book is to present an introduction to the fundamentals of fluid mechanics.
This text was written for an introductory course in fluid mechanics.
The book is designed for use either as a supplement all current standard textbooks or as a textbook for a formal course in mechanics.
The desired aim of the book, an introduction to the field of technical hydro and aerodynamics, was achieved, with respect to both the selection of material and also its manner of presentation.
This textbook is intended for beginners who have completed differential and integral calculus and engineering courses in statics and dynamics.
This book is to teach the basics o the core concepts and methods of computational chemistry.
Soil mechanics is designed as atext for an introductory course in soli mechanics. An intensive effort was made to identify the truly fundamental and relevant principles of soil mechanics and to present them clearly and thorought.