Buku ini adalah buku pertama dari satu seri bacaan terdiri dari tiga jilid diberi judul >. Dimaksudkan untuk Sekolah Menegah Atas. Jild pertama untuk kelas satu , jilid kedua untuk kelas dua, dan jilid ketiga untuk kelas tiga
The essential features have been retained and changes have been made for two purpose only to bring factual material up to date, and to present the excellent and well tried material in amore modern manner.
Buku ini akan memberi anda kemampuan yang begitu mendasar dan penting bagi profesionalisme anda di bidang apapun.
The Write Start With Readings : Sentences To Paragraphs : New tips on instruction and suggestion for activities in the annotated instructors edition.
Global Outlook is a two-book series designed to introduction learners to the basic reading skills required for fluent, accurate reading in English.
Global Outlook is a two-book series designed to introduction learners to the basic reading skills required for fluent, accurate reading in English.
Thus book is different from other reading improvement books, It is designed to be "brain-friendly" In other world, it has several features that make learning easier, more interesting, and more enjoyable. It present information in ways that match a variety of learning styles. Following this introduction, you will find out more about learning styles and more about your particular learning style.…
This fifth edition of "Readings in Accounting" includes a number of new articles and many of the articles retained from previous editions have been re-written or updated.
Persoalan-persoalan disajikan dalam 12 unit. Tiap unit membahas satu pokok persoalan gramatika. Masing-masing diterangkan secara singkat melalui contoh-contoh dan kemudian diikuti oleh beberapa latihan yang berhubungan dengan pokok persoalan.
The book is devided into three sections.