This book has been written to cover the work necessary for the subject of heat engines in the ordinary National certificate and ordinary national diploma examinations and also examinations of similar standard.
The principal objective of this handbook was to provide the information and procedures needed to design virtually any type of wood structure, or structural wood component, included are design equations, design procedures including numerous examples, and design data.
This handbook based on German edition, has been compiled by our specialists from many branches of engineering to meet the practical everyday needs of the electrical engineer.
It is fitting that the Maintenance Engineering Handbook be written, almost exclusively, by those people who have had to face the acute, never-ending problems of repair and upkeep, day by day, hour by hour, midnight shift by midnight shift.
The primary purpose of this handbook is to serve the practicing engineer. It can also be used as textbook in applied geotechnical engineering. With the updating of some chapter and the addition of new chapter, this book will also be useful in conjunction with design in other areas, such as offshore/nearshore structures, hazardous waste control systems, transportation facilities, and structural …
This handbook covers in detail the flowmeters most commonly used in process measurement and control. the discussions are limited to closed - conduit flow meters ; nonindustrial specialty meters, laboratory-type meters, and open-chan-nel flow measurement are not treated.
Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook the most complete up-to-date in the field, this definitive handbook covers every aspect of gas turbine design and operation.
The author as well as many of his colleagues around the world, also have found the book to be useful in a first course in combustion at the graduate level.
Guide to the use of table and formulas in Machinery's Handbook 24th Edition
Engineering Circuit Analysis this book is intended to be enjoyable experience,