The Fundamentals Of Waves, Optics, And Modern is a concepts of atomic and nuclear physical and the structure of matter are presented againts a background of classical mechanics.
In this second edition of Elementary Modern Physics remains as in the first to treat the fundamentals of the physics of the twentieth century fairly rigorously, but at an elementary level.
The purpose of this book is to present introduction to the general statistical principles which will be found useful to all individuals regardles of their fields of specializations.
The text includes a very full analysis of vector algebra, and vector methods are used for solving a wide range of problems.
Mathematics for Basic Electronics provides students with the tools.
This book has been written for an introductory course in probability and statistics for students of engineering and the physical sciences.
Buku inimembahas tentang Ilmu Mekanika Tanah yang sudah mengalami banyak pengubahan dan perkembangan sejah penerbitan edisi pertama buku mekanika tanah pada tahun1972. Buku ini mencakup, sifat - sifat umum tanah, Penilaian, Klasifikasi, dan Deskripsi Tanah, Cara-cara Penyelidikan di Lapangan, Rembesan Air dalam Tanah, Konsolidasi dan Penurunan, Pemadatan Tanah dan Sifat-sifat Tanah di Pulau Jawa.
Pembahsan dalam buku ini diberikan sebagai dasar-dasar praktis dangan menggunkan bahsa pemegroman Assembly MCS-51.
Introduction to Industrial control and Process Element Charactiristics.