Engineering design is the set of activities that lead to the manufactures of exciting new product such as aircraft, automobiles, home appliances and hand tools as well as the construction of new facilities .
The first edition of this book appeared over 10 years ago and the second edition followed a few years later.We received positve feedback from professor who taught from the book and from students and practicing engineers who used the book.
The purpose of this book to present an overview of engineering safety for graduate engineers who are not specialists in safety but who are concerned with the planning.
Engineering design is the set of activities that lead to the manufactures of exciting new product such as aircraft, automobiles, home appliances and hand tools as well as the construction of new facilities .
The goal of this book is to guide you through a logical sequence of learning activites.
Thid book "Civil engineering Drawing" has been written to clarify the is very essential.
This Willey International Edition is part of continuing program of paperbound textbooks especially designed for students and professional people overseas.
Titik tekan buku ini diletakkan secara penuh untuk memotivasi para mahasiswa akan berbagai karier yang bisa diraih oleh para lulusan teknik. Buku ini disusun secara komprehensif. Beberapa hal penting, antara lain membangkitkan motivasi dan ketertarikan pada teknologi rekayasa; memaparkan dan menunjukkan cara yang efektif untuk meningkatkan keahlian dalam memecahkan persoalan dan Menanamkan nila…
This well organized, lucidly written text introduces the reader to a number of optimization algorithms which are commonly used in computer aided engineering design.
The book begins with a detailed discussion on higher algebra, geometry, vector and complex number applications of differential calculus