Power Electronics is intended as an introduction to the basic theory and pracitice of modern.
Buku ini membahsa panduan tahap dan praktis sehingga anda dapat bekerja dengan cepat dan effisien, panduan lengkap tentang interface drawing icon yang baru, bahasan mendetail tentang fasilitas efek-efek spesial versi 3, termasuk animasi.
The Macro Economy Today is well-known for its balanced presentation and for unique chapter. In addition the AS/AD model is now separated from the keynesian cross, which gives instructor the freedom to cover the topics they want to include and easily exclude the ones they dont.
Fundamentals Of Technical Mathematics is primarily designed for students who are preparing for technical oe scientific careers.
The logic of mathematical analysis is increasingly being utilized to facilitate management decisions.
This book is designed for use either as a supplement to all current standard textbook or as a textbook for a formal course in the mathematics of finance.
This edition of shop mathematics seeks to satisfy the mathematical needs of tradespeople in the metalworking field, as well as students preparing to join their ranks.
This text book provides a course of general mathematics
Buku Ini Membahas Pengenalan Adobe Flash CS6, Membuat Objek, Membuat Animasi, Menggunakan Efek, ActionScript, Dan Memublikasikan Dokumen