This Book Provides an Introduction to the basic concepts of chemical reactor analysis and design.
The book is design to be used either as atextbook for a formal course in fourier analysis or as a comprehensive supplement to all current standard test.
The new material is aimed at enhacing the technical content of the book and for that reason is more likely to appeal to engineering students and advanced business students.
This textbook provides students of managing for quality with a foundation for meeting those chalenges.
This book is dedicated to the learning and teaching of structural analysis at the intermediate level.
Elastic Analysis Of Reinforced Concrete Sections
The title of this textbook epresses my belief that certain fundamentals concepts must be mastered by any serious student of structural analysis.
This book discusses about Electric Circuit Analysis
This third edition has the same objectives as the first, namely an introduction to the finite element method as applied to linear.
This book is the third edition of a book on elementary numerical analysis which is designed specifically for needs of upper-division undergraduate students in engineering.