Buku ini memuat pengetahuan tentang arsitektur dan pemrograman mikrokontroler keluarga MCS51 dan AVR yang lengkap. Pokok bahasan buku ini Pengenalan Mikrokontroler; A/D Converter; EEPROM; Two Wire Serial Interface.
Buku ini berhasil memberikan kita gambaran bagaimana memahami CSR dalam konteks yang benar, baik dari sisi rasio maupun nurani. Terdiri dari 8 bab membahas Dampak Ekonomi, Sosial dan Lingkungan dari Proses Bisnis Perusahaan; Menggagas Pola Kemitraan antara Perusahaan, Jenis-jenis Program CSR; Pemerintah dan Perguruan Tinggi bagi Pengembangan dan Keberlanjutan Bisnis
Engineering mechanics is a core subject taught to engineering students in the first year of their course by going through this subject the students develop the capability to model actual problem in to an engineering problem and find the solutions using laws at mechanics.
This textbook is intended to present the currently accepted theories, design principles and practices of soil mechanics and foundation engineering. The assumptions and limitations used in developing a theory or a method are pointed out and sufficient number of examples and practice problems are included to illustrate the application of basis principles of proctical problems.The text provides su…
Buku ini menemukan banyak teknik kreatif untuk merekayasa dan mempercantik foto digital dengan frame, teknik Cloning serta teknik membuat animasi hingga proses printing.
Interactive Computer Grahics is a comprehensive, unified and pratical guide to the data.
This book is another major contribution to our ever-growing fund of plastics knowledge, which will enable the industry to provide better products.
The book is comprehensive enough to make it a useful reference both in graduate courses and for professional practice.
This book is arranged beginning with an introductory chapter witch provides necessary background and definitions of common terms and quantities of thermodynamic.
This Book is to present economic and design principles as applied in chemical engineering processes and operations.