Microelectronics: Circuit Analysis And Design The third edition continous the tradition of providing an accessible approach to learning through clear writing and practical pedagogy. This new edition is fully updated and supported with extensive in text learning and assessment tools.
This book doesn't seem to be written in a normal text book style.Is book really written .
Principles Of Microeconomics by James D. Miller read more like a non fiction book than atraditional textbook, and uses engaging and sometimes irreverent examples to capture student interest.
We have three main goals for Microeconomics Help the beginning student master the principles essential for understanding the economizing problem specific economic issues and the policy alternatives Help the student understand and apply the economics perspective and reason accurately and objectively about economic matters
This book contains a set of previously unpublished studies on the service sector in australia
The Book Has Been Brought Right Up To Date, And All Important Recent Developments In Domestic And International Economics Have Been Incorporated In The Text
This book emphasizes a method of teaching English called the Notional Functional Approach, the most recent development in the teaching of English. This approach stresses the oral communicative aspect of language learning based on everyday reallife situations
The Macro Economy Today is well-known for its balanced presentation and for unique chapter. In addition the AS/AD model is now separated from the keynesian cross, which gives instructor the freedom to cover the topics they want to include and easily exclude the ones they dont.
Labor Economics: Fourth Edition A concise blend of theory and facts, featuring coverage of the latest research in the field of labor economics
The macro story of this book does move more smoothly through the water than its competitors