The power semiconductor devices, such as the diode, thyristor, triac, and power transistor, are used in power applications as Switching devices
The primary aim of this texbook is to raise analtical skil of students, required for tge analysis and design of anlog Elektronic Circuits
This volume is one of a series designed specififically to reach electronics.
This book discusses the Industrial Electronics and Labaratorium Manual
This book gives detailed description of the operation and characteristics of modern active and passive elektronic devices.
This book, intended as a text for a fist course in elentronics for electrical engineering or physics students, has two primary objecitives: to present a clear, consisten picture of the internal physical behavior of many electronics devices, and to reach the reader how to analyze and design elektronic circuts circuits using these devices.
this book is Integrated Electronics analog and digital ciruits and systems
This Book fulfis the need for a text to cover the elementary concepts of the Rapidly.
It can serve as a supplemental text in a classroom, tutored, or home - schooling environment. It should also be useful for career changers who want to become familiar woth basic electronics
This book Electronics for technicians and appliances