Welcome to a world of mathematical understanding that we hope you will find stimulating, enlightening, and fun. We salute you for choosing teching as a profession and hope that your experiences with this book will help prepare you to be the best possible teacher of mathematics that you can be. We have presented this elementery mathematics material from a variety of perspectives so that you will…
Analisis Real Elementer: Dengan Ilustrasi Grafis & Numeris adalah buku yang disusun sebagai buku teks untuk mata kuliah analisis real.
The New system is strictly decimal, with seldom - use and obsolete units eliminated.
Designed to teach the elements of internal combustion engine theory, this book is intended for student who desires aknow - ledge of the factors involved in the safe and efficient operation of various types of internal - combustion engines.
This is a revised edition of a textbook for students of higher technical schools.
Essential Elements for Electrical and Computer Engineering and Vector algebra , Cartesiamn coordinate System
Elementas of Engineering Electromagnetics
Elementary Particles present a sample of experimental methods and theoretical ideas in this field of physics.
This third edition has the same objectives as the first, namely an introduction to the finite element method as applied to linear.
The texbook Design of Machine Elements. was first published in 1994.Since then number of letters have been rececived from readers from all over the country. suggesting additions of certain topies which are important for their syllabus.