The book contens : Conversion Factors and Miscellaneous Tables, Mathematics, Physical and Chemical Data, Reaction Kinetics, Reactor Design, and Thermodynamics, Fluid and Particle Mechanics, etc.
Buku ini dapat dijadikan panduan bagi bank-bank kecil dalam pengelolaan kredit dalam bekerja. Bukui juga dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan dalam pengajuan kredit bagi nasabah dan juga sebagai acuan bagi mahasiswa. Buku ini dilengkapi dengan ketentuan dan peraturan pemerintah dan Bank Indonesia yang aktual yang menyangkut bidang perkreditan, seperti Lembaga Penjaminan Kredit; penilaian kualitas akti…
in the book, author has made every effort to incorporate all the relavant I.S.I. Publications C.B.R.I. Publications, varios, P.W.D. Handbooks, Bridge code, Building Bye-laws, National Building Code 1970, I.R.C. recommendations and Railway Board's dimensional schedule for varios railways. besides above said publications.
A reference book for the mechanical engineer, Designer, Manifacturing engineer, Draftsman, Toolmaker, and Machinist.
Machinery's Handbook is the most popular engineering reference book of all time and is considered the standard reference for the mechanical industries throughout the world.
A reference book for the mechanical engineer, Designer, Manifacturing engineer, Draftsman, Toolmaker, and Machinist.
Quality Control Handbook as a reference work for managers, supervisors, and engineers in industry.
This handbook is designed to give comprehensive technical information on the selection and application of rolling bearings.
The principal objective of this handbook was to provide the information and procedures needed to design virtually any type of wood structure, or structural wood component, included are design equations, design procedures including numerous examples, and design data.