Buku Shortcourseini membahas tentang penggunaan Visual Basic 2013 beserta dengan komponen - komonennya yg berhubungan dengan pembuatan Aplikasi.
Master Programming With C++ With Schaums The high Performance Study Guide. It Will Help You Cut Study Time, Hone Problem Solving Skills, And Achieve Your Personal Best On Exams And Project
This textbook was written to provide engineers, scientist, and students involved in robotics and automation with a comprehensive, well-organized and up-to-date account of the basic principles underlying the design, analysis, and synthesis of robotic systems.
Using dBase III PLUS is an encyclopedia of information on keywords, command and functions, and how to do basic data management tasks in dBASE III PLUS.
Beginning Linux Programming learn more about : How to use standard Linux C libraries and other facilities, Make the most of the standard Linux development tools, Tips on basic system calls, file I/O, interprocess communication, and shell programming, How to build graphical user interfaces using the GTK+ or Qt toolkits, Using sockets to support TCP/IP networking to different machines, and How to…
These basic aims were to instill in the student an ability to recognize potential linear programming models.
Buku linear programming ini dimaksudkan untk pemecahan problem secara spesifik.
Buku ini memberikan penjelasan mengenai teknik organisasi.
Buku ini membahas materi-materi wajib yang harus dikuasi oleh seorang web programmer profesional. Buku ini disusun secara urut dan mudah dipahami oleh pemula. Disertai contoh-contoh latihan dan tips-tips menarik seputar pembuatan web. Anda dapat berlatih dengan mudah menggunankan file-file latihan yang disetakan dalam CD.
Semua materi buku ini dikupas semedikian rupa sehingga pemula pun dengan cepat bisa menguasainya.