The primary aim of this text is to promote an understanding of the relationship between the molecular structure of a material and the manner in which the material reacts to its environment (i.e., its physical properties). The emphasis is strongly on organic polymers simply because this is my major field of interest and because it is my conviction that this particular group of materials is of sp…
This book explains the principles of the structural design of reinforced concrete buildings without going into all details of a very complex subject.
This edition maintains the dual orientation of its recent predecessors : to lay the foundation of a thorough understanding of materials behavior and the basic mechanics and performance of reinforced and prestessed concrete structures and the same time to present ample material on up-to-date design practice and procedures as preparation for and aid in profesional practice.
This book explains the principles of the structural design of reinforced concrete buildings without going into all details of a very complex subject.
This Book Tell About analysis And Design Of Continous Beams With Draped Posttensioned tendons is More Complete And With The Analysis too Using Actual tendon Layout in Numerical Example Problems
These design have been drawn mainly from various Engineering Examination Papers of Indian and London Universities and thus cover a wide variety.
In this edition of the book some new problem have been added and more detail have been given. These changes will make the book more complete and well suited as text-book for undergraduate students.
After the second edition of the book in 1965 wherein several additions were made like semi-rigid connection and frames with such joints, light gauge steel structures and aluminium structures, the book remauned essentially unchanged and it was simplyreprinted during the intervening period.
The book is primarily written for the use by degree students. Its anticipated that arcitects, designer and practising engineers will find this text as an answer to most of their problems in the design of steel structure.
The book as such should serve the needs of IIT and engineering college students for their first course in design of steel structures.