Bukuy ini merupakan salah satu aplikasi bisnis populer dan banyak dipakai oleh perusahaan - perusahaan kecil.
Studying Cost Accounting is one of the best business investments a student can make. Why ? Because success in any organization-from the smallest corner store to the largest multinational corporation-requires the use of cost accounting concepts and practices. Cost accounting provides key data to managers for planning and controlling, as well as costing products, services, and customers. The cent…
This book provides an organized group of case studies on most accounting subjects studied by the beginning and the intermediate student. The topical coverage and scope of the individual cases have been designed to help the beginning accounting student learn and utilize fundamental techniques of accounting. The distinction between traditional accounting "problems" found in most texts and case st…
Dengan menggunakan program MYOB Accounting, menyusun Jurnal, Buku Besar, Neraca sampai Laporan Keuangan sangatlah mudah. Buku ini akan memandu secara sistematis untuk menguasai MYOB Accounting dengan cepat. Materi dalam buku ini : (1) Membuat profil perusahaan, (2) Membuat daftar rekening, (3) Mengisi saldo, (4) Mencatat transaksi, (5) Membuat laporan keuangan, dan (6) Studi kasus.
No Major organizational changes were considered necessary to the many changes in the last edition. The 25 chapters are divided into 5 logically related parts. Each chapter contains four types of end-of-chapter materials; questions, discussion cases, exercises, and problems.
Financial Accounting: A Business Process Approach Second Edition. What new in this edition ?: Color coded accounting equations, Increased use of real world companies, Focus on ethics, Chapter summary points, A new summary problem, A second set of exercises.
The inner characteristics of accounting slowly reveal themselves through the student's long contact with classroom exercise in solving technical problems. Yet for many people a non-technical approach will seem more useful.
Principles of Accounting (POA) has helped generations of students succeed by giving them the support in the form of leading-edge accounting content that engages students, with state-of-the-art technology. With POA on your team, you'll be passed engaging content and a motivating style to help students see the relevance of accounting.
A Key objective of this revision is to make this edition the most teachable intermediate text on the market. With this in mind, we have organized the twenty-five chapters into five logically related sections. Each chapter begins with a set of objectives explaining the chapter coverage.
This fifth edition of "Readings in Accounting" includes a number of new articles and many of the articles retained from previous editions have been re-written or updated.