Performance Appraisal: Cara Tepat dan Mudah Mengukur dan Menilai Kinerja Karyawan dalam Perusahaan, yaitu Penilaian kinerja akan bermakna ketika perusahaan yang mampu melaksanakan penilaian dengan baik dan objektif, sehingga setiap karyawan akan merasa tertantang untuk selalu memberikan yang terbaik bagi perusahaan tanpa diminta atau diawasi oleh pimpinan. Seluruh isi buku ini menjelaskan cara …
Buku Pintar App Inventor Tingkat Lanjut ini mengasumsikan bahwa pembelajaran tidak memiliki dasar mengenai pemrograman. Di dalam buku ini dibahas tentang: Layanan SMS dan Twitter, TextTo Spech & SpeechRecognizer, Sensor, Barcode Scanner & NearField.
The goal of modern control system theory and application is to bridge the gap existing between classical and moderd control theory.
This book, in turn, attempts to expand the background of mechanical designers or analysts with respect to understanding the internal behavior of mechanical elements under the action of applied loads
This book has been written in a very simple language with a lucid style of expresssion, keeping in mind the difficulties usually faced by the students in learning the subject. Every attempt has been made to make the subject easy and simple. Quite a large number of typical problems with solutions are added to each and individual chapter
The student will be able to follow the principles of the subject without having to master various unit system and face the complications caused by conversion from one set of unit to another.
This book is designed to meet the demand for a convenient text reference for general data.
This book is intended to provide students of applied physics with help in mastering those physical principles that underlie modern technology.
This book is a brief introduction to calculus as applied to business, economics, the behavioral sciences, the social sciences, biology, medcine.
The book brings together the underlying concepts, issues involved, modern trends and practices followed in design of information system.