This book is intended for junior and senior engineering students who are interested in learning some fundamentals aspect of fluid mechanics
A fluid defined a substance which cannot resist shear stress and thus offers no resistance to change of shape
This edition is essential an adaptation of the second edition and all the examples have been retained.
This is an enlarged edition in which the text has been more exhaustive with additional articles and solved numericals in the chapters on kinematics of fluid flow, dimensional and model analysis, viscous flow, boundary layer and hydraulics turbine.
Handbook Of Fluid Sealing is the first and only comprehensive text to address the entire field of sealing products.
Buku ini berisi berbagai bidang ilmu teknik seperti : Aeronautika, sipil, mesin dan nuklir.
Buku ini perbaikan dari edisi sebelumnya.
The present edition of this treatise has been revised and brought up-to-date. A new chapter on performance of hydraulic, turbines and pumps has been added.
Buku ini disajikan secara analitik, dengan meberikan penekanan pada pengertian dasar mekanika fluida.
Buku fluid flow ini dilengkapi dengan aliran-aliran terbuka yang dikuliahkan di jurusan sipil.