Responding to the gratifying acceptance of the two previous editions, this third edition continues as a demonstration of the ordered planning necesary for efficient material flow and the preparation of effective layouts for requisite physical facilities.
Buku ini menghadirkan 38 inspirasi desain ruang yang memanfaatkan material alam seperti bambu, kayu, batubata dan batu alam sebagai material pelapis dinding. Desain yang ditampilkan dikelompokkan berdasarkan fungsi ruang, seperti ruang tamu, kamar tidur, dapur dan kamar mandi.
The fifth edition of Applied Statics and Strength of Materials Present an elementary, analytical, and practical approach to the principles and physical concepts of statics and strength of materials.
This book is Theory And Problems Of Strenght Of Materials.
Material Handling is our Business.
This book is an attempt to present the course material in a manner acceptable to present-day requiremts.
The primary aim of this text is to promote an understanding of the relationship between the molecular structure of a material and the manner in which the material reacts to its environment (i.e., its physical properties). The emphasis is strongly on organic polymers simply because this is my major field of interest and because it is my conviction that this particular group of materials is of sp…
This book is designed for a first course in mechanics of deformable bodies, the developments of structural applications include the inelastic as well as the elasticrange of stress
Buku ini secara garis besar dibagi menjadi 6 bab tentang konsep tegangan dan regangan pada elemen struktur atau mesin.
This book is designed for a first course engineering materials, the field that covers this area of the engineering profession has come to be known as "materials science for engineers"