Buku ini adalah buku pertama dari satu seri bacaan terdiri dari tiga jilid diberi judul >. Dimaksudkan untuk Sekolah Menegah Atas. Jild pertama untuk kelas satu , jilid kedua untuk kelas dua, dan jilid ketiga untuk kelas tiga
Perubahan terbesar dalam edisi ini adalah digunakannya Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK) 1994 termasuk revisi-revisinya untuk menggantikan Prinsip Akuntansi Indonesia (PAI) 1984. Buku ini memuat pertanyaan dan soal di setiap akhir bab agar dapat digunakan sebagai latihan. Dengan latihan menjawab pertanyaan dan soal, pemahaman terhadap materi dalam bab yang bersangkutan akan meningkat…
Global Outlook is a two-book series designed to introduction learners to the basic reading skills required for fluent, accurate reading in English.
Buku ini kaya akan kosa kata dan contoh -contoh kalimat, yang pas dipakai oleh siapa saja.
English Vocabulary In Use : Pre Intermediate And Intermediate is a vocabulary book for learners of english,primarily designed as a self study reference and practice book.
Intermediate Teacher's Math Acttivities Kit Grade 4-6 include 100 ready to use lessons and activitiy sheets covering six areas of the 4-6 math crriculum.
No Major organizational changes were considered necessary to the many changes in the last edition. The 25 chapters are divided into 5 logically related parts. Each chapter contains four types of end-of-chapter materials; questions, discussion cases, exercises, and problems.
A Key objective of this revision is to make this edition the most teachable intermediate text on the market. With this in mind, we have organized the twenty-five chapters into five logically related sections. Each chapter begins with a set of objectives explaining the chapter coverage.
The ninth edition of INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING represents the most extensive revision in the history of this widely accepted textbook. It provides comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of financial accounting concepts and standards.
This book is dedicated to the learning and teaching of structural analysis at the intermediate level.