This book is The author has tried ti give an insight to the great advancement made and the latest techniques employed in metallurgy and materials.
Testing Of Metals is a comprehensive source of information on commonly used testing methods for metals and their products. This book is intended for all engineers, technical profesionals and undergraduate and graduate students of metallurgical and mechanical engineering, who are involved in the testing and evaluation of metalic materials.
Buku Metalurgi Fisik ini disusun sesuai dengan tuntutan kurikulum dan silabus mata kuliah tentang konsep pembentukan kristal logam, cacat kristal, konsep rekristalisasi dan deformasi, solification proses, diagram besi-karbon, serta pengenalan jenis fasa, diagram TTT dan CCT, hardenability dan perlakuan panas. Garis besar pembahasan materi meliputi Struktur Mikro; Cacat Kristal Logam; Deformasi …
Materials Science And Metallurgy contains several changes suggested in a critical review of the second edition.