This book aims to provide a practical guide to the introduction, implementation, and subsequent operation of a planned maintenance system.
The Technique Of Cost Planning Was Introduced Into The Building Industry As a Field Of Formal Study Some Years Ago, And Has Been Presented to Both Students And Practitioners During This Time in an Exceedingly Theoretical and Mathermatical Manner. The Principles Of Cost Control Have Been Established For Several Decades ANd The Importance Of Understanding The Many Economic Factors Which Influence…
This Book Follows In The Tradition Of The First Five By Providing The Reader With Fundamentals Of Machine Selection And Production Estimating In A Logical, Simple and Concise Format. With A Grounding in These Fundamentals, The Constructor is Prepared to Evalute Those Reams Of Computer- Generated data and to Develop Programs That Speed The Decision Process or That Allow easy analysis of Multipl…
Buku ini adalah buku pedoman langkah demi langkah untuk mempersiapkan sebuah rencana pemasaran.
Modul ini membahas case study yang dirancang sesuai dengan karateristik business daerah masing-masing
The books are suited to both the student and the personnel practitioner, the emphasis being on a practical and skills-oriented quide to each topic, and aims to set up and to maintain a specific function within a personnel department
Buku ini berisi Enterprise Resource Planning, Pelayanan Rumah Sakit, Sumvber Daya Rumah Sakit, Implementasi ERP di Rumah Sakit, pengembangan Sistem dan Aplikasi ERP di Rumah Sakit.
The Life Plant adalah bacaan untuk setiap orang yang menginginkan lebih dari hidup, di setiap bagian hidup mereka, kesehatan, kekayaan, karier, hubungan dan banyak lagi. Buku ini berisi ratusan langkah sederhana yang bisa Anda gunakan untuk menggapai hidup yang lebih baik karena kita semua unik dan berbeda.