Buku ini menyajikan dasar teknik dan cara dimana sistem itu dibangun dan duigunakan. Selain memperluas berbagai aplikasi DSS tradisional, edisi ini juga memperluas pemahaman pembaca mengenai dunia Web dengan memberikan contoh, produk, layanan dan latihan dan dengan mendiskusikan isu-isu yang terkait dengan Web.
Buku ini menjelaskan Pokok - pokok utama yang diperlukan dalam praktek bisnis yang baik dengan pendekatan ringkas dan analitis.
Buku ini berisi soal-soal latihan Word Processing.
Handout ini membahas hal-hal yang baku, yang akan digunakan dalam dunia aplikasi Kesekretariatan, disertai dengan beberapa latihan.
This book is devoted to the application of analytical devices for control of chemical ions in liquid streams. An example of the type of electrochemical analyzers used in these applications is the familiar pH measurement.
The main objective of this book is to provide backgroud and fundamental material in discrete - time systems, basic digital procesiing techniques, design procedures for digital filters and the discerete Fourier transform.
This book is primarily intended as a text at the undergraduate engineering level for the students of electrical, electronics, and computer disciplines.
This book presents the fundamental principles for understanding and applying opyical fiber technologi to such sophisticated modern telecommunition systems.
This book has grown out of our teaching and research activities in the field of digital - singnal Processing, it is designed, primarily, as a text for a senior or first- year graduate level course.
Introduction to Manufacturing Processes provides an overall survey of the field, including the newest methods and processes used in industry.