Buku Perencanaan & Pemodelan Transportasi ini berisi tentang konsep perenanaan dan pemodelan transportasi di darat, laut dan udara.
Buku ini menguraikan secara komprehensif berbagai hal mendasar yang berhubungan dengan transportasi di perairan.
The large number of problem, including the solved examples,reveal the breadth and depth ofthe science and technology of heart transfer.
Heat and Mass Transfer contains comprehensive.
The book is designed for a one semester couse ini heat transfer at the junior senior level,
Introduction to Heat Transfer In the third edition, changes were motivated by the desire to expand the scope of applications and to enhance exposition of physical principles.
The goal at which this book is aimed is to introduce the reader to the basic physical phenomena involved in transport processes in general of heat and mass in particular, and to acquaint him with the laws and analytical methods which have been developed for their description.
Buku ini membahas tentang Teknik Merancang Rangkaian dengan Transistor
Transistor Projects
Buku ini Membahas tentang Modulasi Delta dan tujuan percobaan serta dasar teori.