This book begins by introducing energy and entropy balances that are the heart of processing engineering calculations.
Buku ini berisikan kumpulan contoh soal termodinamika teknik dan penyelesainnya. berdasarkan pengalamn penulis mengajar diDepartemen Mesin ITB.
Testing In Language Programs : A Comprehensive Guide To English Language Assessment
Buku iniadlah salah satu yang secara khusus menyajikan aneka contoh - contoh soal yang biasanya menjadi soal dalam ujian psikotest
This is present basic definitions and a development of the fist law as it applies to nonflow and simple steady flow processes.
As metallurgy can be partially defined as being the meting point of the physical science and engineering.
Buku ini memuat lebih dari 9000 nomor tipe FET yang meliputi FET pertemuan (junction) daya tinggi/sinyal kecil dan MOSFET.
The Japanese Family System In Transition a sociological analysis of change in postwar Japan.
The Encyclopedia Americana was the first encyclopedia published in the united states. Its first volume appeared in 1829, and it has continued as a standard general reference work for 168 years. Many American and European intellectuals contributed to the first edition.
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