This book has been thoroughly revised to keep readers abreast of the latest telemmunications technologies and tools, significant additinclude coverage of: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), Dense Wavelenght Division Multiplexing (DWDM), Fiber Optic Media.
This sixth edition of Electronic Communication again presents the basic information required to work in most areas of modern electronic and radio communication.
The purpose of this book is to extend and update the knowlegde of the reader to more modern digital and data communications systems.
Bussinessmen then began to recognize the problems of communication.
The book is in two parts, part I covers various concepts of communication with detailed explanations.part II is more on business communication, covering areas like telephone conversation.
Buku ini mencoba untuk menjelaskan tentang teknologi IMS yang diprediksikan akan menjadi teknologi utama pada core semua jenis jaringan akses, baik fixed maupun mobile
International Business English : A Course In Communication Skills (Workbook)is a course in communication skillss for people who need english.
Business English And Communication English edition has been designed to provide you with the broad, throught training necessary to develop competence on the job in each of the communication skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
Buku ini disajikan untuk membantu dalam memahami komunikasi dengan orang-orang lain dalam berbagai konteks komunikasi, baik secara tatap-muka, dalam kelompok kecil (organisasi) atau besar, ataupun melalui media massa. Buku ini juga membantu untuk menganalisis kesalahan-kesalahan komunikasi dan kemudian meminimalkan atau bahkan menghilangkan kesalahan-kesalahan tersebut, seraya terus meningkatka…
The subject of the third meeting, communications, is no less critical to life, but it offters particular problems and uncertainties, especially in the forecasting of future trends. Indeed, some have doubted if there can be profitable debate on long-term development in such a fast-moving field