Quality Control Handbook as a reference work for managers, supervisors, and engineers in industry.
Process Instruments And Controls Handbook now thoroughly revised and brought up to date.
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) adalah pengendali sistem otomatis yang sangat populer dalam industri manufaktur. Dalam buku ini akan dijelaskan antara lain: Pengenalan otomasi sistem berbasis PLC, Perangkat keras PLC merk Omron, Schneider dan Siemens tipe tertentu, Pemrograman PLC tingkat dasar (meliputi penggunaan Timer dan Counter), Pemrograman PLC tingkat lanjut, Konsep wiring dan interf…
Our Own Enthusiasm for the new approaches to production and inventory control is easy to discern throughout this book, but we have omitted any mathematics beyond the simplest algebra and mentioned the computer only where necessary to add meaning to the topic under discussion.
The goal of modern control system theory and application is to bridge the gap existing between classical and moderd control theory.
Buku sederhana ini akan mengantar anda dalam belajar mandiri atau belajar di kelas untuk memahami masalah kontrol pada sistem tenaga listrik secara cepat dan sistematik. Buku ini terdiri dari 10 Bab, antara lain: Matriks Khusus, State Space, Kontrolabilitas, Observabilitas dan Stabilitas, Dasar-dasar Kestabilan, Model Linear SMIB, Sistem Kontrol Eksitasi, dan Osilasi Torsional.
This book aims to provide a practical guide to the introduction, implementation, and subsequent operation of a engineering instrumentation and control
Control Of Unstable Systems is Concerned with the design of PID controllers, calculation of set point weighting parameter and identification of transfer function models for unstable systems
The Purpose Of This Book Is To Provide An Introduction To The Theory And Applications Of Control in The Manufacturing Area