This book is designed for a first course engineering materials, the field that covers this area of the engineering profession has come to be known as "materials science engineering"
The central theme ofElements Of Materials Science And Engineering is the concept that the properties and behavior of a material are closely related to the internal structure of the material.
The first edition was published under the title of Strength Of Materials ; the book is used in fact as a general introduction to both the strength of materials and structures, and in the second edition this broader title has been chosen. As an elementary text, the book of course gives an introduction to the application of basic ideas in solid and structural mechanics to engineering problems
All these reprintings have shown that the book is widely used as an introductory text to the field of the strength of materials and structures, and it is hoped that this new edition will ensure the book's continuing usefulness.
This book has been written with the following : to provide a basic knowledge of the way materials behave when in use, to provide an overview of the forming and joining processes used in engineering.
This book is Material Science And Engineering : An Introduction
This book is written for those who would like to advance their knowledge of biomaterials
This book is designed for a first course engineering materials, the field that covers this area of the engineering profession has come to be known as "materials science engineering"
This book has been written in a very simple language with a lucid style of expresssion, keeping in mind the difficulties usually faced by the students in learning the subject. Every attempt has been made to make the subject easy and simple. Quite a large number of typical problems with solutions are added to each and individual chapter
Engineering design is the set of activities that lead to the manufactures of exciting new product such as aircraft, automobiles, home appliances and hand tools as well as the construction of new facilities .