the fifth edition of this established text provides an excellent and comprehensive treatment of fluid mechanics that is concisely written and support by good worked examples.
This book is intended for use as a textbook in the first fluid mechanics course for undergraduate engineering students in their junior or senior year.
This book is intended for junior and senior engineering students who are interested in learning some fundamentals aspect of fluid mechanics
A fluid defined a substance which cannot resist shear stress and thus offers no resistance to change of shape
This book includes the coverage of basics of MATLAB and application of MATLAB software to solve problems in engineering.
Buku inimembahas tentang Ilmu Mekanika Tanah yang sudah mengalami banyak pengubahan dan perkembangan sejah penerbitan edisi pertama buku mekanika tanah pada tahun1972. Buku ini mencakup, sifat - sifat umum tanah, Penilaian, Klasifikasi, dan Deskripsi Tanah, Cara-cara Penyelidikan di Lapangan, Rembesan Air dalam Tanah, Konsolidasi dan Penurunan, Pemadatan Tanah dan Sifat-sifat Tanah di Pulau Jawa.
This edition is essential an adaptation of the second edition and all the examples have been retained.
This book is designed for use as a text for graduate courses in random vibrations or stochastic structural dynamics, such as might be offered in departements of civil engineering, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, ocean engineering and applied mechanics.
This is an enlarged edition in which the text has been more exhaustive with additional articles and solved numericals in the chapters on kinematics of fluid flow, dimensional and model analysis, viscous flow, boundary layer and hydraulics turbine.