Intermediate Accounting, Fifteenth Edition, provides a powerful connection to accounting careers with : A forward-thinking organizational platform; Current, relevant coverage; InfoAccess menu; Engaging pedagogy.
The thirteenth edition of ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES, like its predecessors, is a student-oriented text. It presents the fundamental accounting concepts and procedures in a logical, concise, and clear manner. Many innovations are included in this edition. Learning objectives have been added to provide a sense of direction for the study of the text material.
This text discusses important new IT developments, such as the widespread deployment of wireless networking and the move to replace bar code technologies with radio frequency identification (RFID) tags because such developments affect business processes and often cause organizations to redesign their accounting systems to take advantage of new capabilities.
Accounting Principles gives you a complete yet simple learning system to assure your mastery of this important area of knowledge. This book has been written specifically for you. The following paragraphs outline the best way for you to use this textbook in your study of accounting.
The ninth edition of Accounting Systems stresses electronic commerce applied within the context of business processes, transaction cycles, and internal control. Detailed material on business processes and internal control is central to the topical organization. Each chapter contains the following instructional aids : Learning objectives, Glossary, Chapter quiz, and Review questions.
The Fourth Edition of Accounting Information Systems includes a full range of new and revised features, up-to-date content changes, as well as reorganized chapter sequencing and NEW bundled and optional software.
The fifteenth edition of ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES is a student-oriented text. It presents the fundamental accounting concepts and principles in a logical, concise, and clear manner.
Buku seri kedua ini merupakan lanjutan dari seri pertama yang disadur dari buku literatur dengan judul Advanced Accounting yang hanya dikhususkan membahas soal-soal saja. Buku seri kedua ini berisikan 6 bab yang meliputi : (6) Penjualan cicilan, (7) Penjualan konsinyasi, (8) Hubungan kantor pusat dan cabang-Prosedur umum, (9) Hubungan kantor pusat dan cabang-Prosedur khusus, (10) Penggabungan b…
Buku "Advanced Accounting" hanya dikhususkan membahas soal-soal saja. Buku seri pertama ini mencakup masalah-masalah sebagai berikut : (1) Pembentukan dan operasi persekutuan, (2) Perubahan pemilikan persekutuan, (3) Pembubaran/likwidasi persekutuan, (4) Pembubaran persekutuan secara bertahap, dan (5) Joint venture.
Buku "Akunting Tinggi" ini masing-masing bab disertai dengan sederetan pertanyaan, latihan, dan soal-soal yang relevan. Soal-soal berkisar dari soal-soal yang meninjau kembali unsur-unsur dasar bab itu sampai pada soal-soal yang membutuhkan penerapan latar belakang teoritis luas.