Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook the most complete up-to-date in the field, this definitive handbook covers every aspect of gas turbine design and operation.
The handbook has been reorganized. The first group of section focuses on chemical and physical property data and the fundamentals of chemical engineering. The second and largest group of sections deals with processes, generally divided as heat transfer operations, distillasion, kinetics, liquid-liquid, liquid solid and so on.
It is the only book that covers building construction and design, and provides the theoretical background. and it is not only one of the few that covers the following important topics, it is the only one that covers all of this.
measurement of gears, the measurement of gears requires particular techniques and instrument, which have been used in machinery producation for a long time .
This handbook written by a team of creative and experienced people from all the various discipline, is an invaluable tool to have at your side when you are faced with any difficult land development task.
Electrical Contracting Business Handbook proven techniques for managing your business for maximum profits
This book has been built on the basis of all-member and all industry cooperation. Individual contributions are sometimes therefore lost sight of in the massed effort but are nonetheless valued and appreciated.
Oracle Discoverer 10 g Handbook : Create, maintain, and administer effective ad hoc queries.
This book offers the student an up-to-date guide to many aspects of show how word are built from their component part. how words have comeinto english from other languages, and how new words are invented. it provides vocabularies of modern English used in computing, technology, science and in international businessand law.
The handbook of structural concrete is intended as an international reference work on the current of the art and science of structural concrete, to provide authoritative coverage of the priciples, procedures and data relating.