This text is a direct outgrowth of our many years of teaching a sophomore level course in system dynamics within the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. the course covers most of the material in the book but not at the depth indicated by some of the later chapters.
Control Of Unstable Systems is Concerned with the design of PID controllers, calculation of set point weighting parameter and identification of transfer function models for unstable systems
Buku ini membahas bagaimana kepolisian Jepang beroperasi, bagaimana mereka menangani berbagai permasalahan baru dalam kemakmuran Jepang, dan bagaimana keistimewaan dari sistem mereka dapat diadopsi secara luas, khususnya di Amerika Serikat
The book brings together the underlying concepts, issues involved, modern trends and practices followed in design of information system.
Buku Kreasi Animasi ini menggunakan Adobe After Effects ini membahas mengenai animasi di Adobe After Effects secara menyuluruh dan disajikan dalam bentuk tutioal. Secara lengkap buku ini juga mengajarkan tentang Tips dan Trik dalam bekerja dengan Adobe After Effects. Teknik-teknik animasi shape, animasi text bekerja dengan objek 3D, membuat efek dengan puppet tool, animasi efek dan membuat anim…
The Purpose Of This Book Is To Provide An Introduction To The Theory And Applications Of Control in The Manufacturing Area
This Manual explains how to use the IBM Personal Computer Disk Operating System Version 2.10 (DOS). Information is also given on how to prepare DOS and your fixed disk for use, and how to use the features of DOS Version 2.10
Buku ini membahas tentang Windows 8 dengan tujuan adalah memebrikan pemehaman dan memudahkan mereka untuk menggunakan Windows 8 agar lebih mudah dalam pengoperasian.
Buku Menguak Rahasia Keamanan Dan Kinerja Windows 7 Ini Membahas Kinerja Dan Seluk Beluk Keamanan Jaringan Windows 7 Untuk Kepentingan Sehari-Hari.
This book is about the concepts, structure, and mechanisms of operating systems. Its purpose is to present, as clearly and completely as possible, the nature and characteristics of modern day operating systems. The application of these concepts depends on the current state of technology and the particular application requirements.