The Encyclopedia Americana was the first encyclopedia published in the united states. Its first volume appeared in 1829, and it has continued as a standard general reference work for 168 years. Many American and European intellectuals contributed to the first edition.
The Encyclopedia Americana was the first encyclopedia published in the united states. Its first volume appeared in 1829, and it has continued as a standard general reference work for 168 years. Many American and European intellectuals contributed to the first edition.
The Encyclopedia Americana was the first encyclopedia published in the united states. Its first volume appeared in 1829, and it has continued as a standard general reference work for 168 years. Many American and European intellectuals contributed to the first edition.
The Encyclopedia Americana was the first encyclopedia published in the united states. Its first volume appeared in 1829, and it has continued as a standard general reference work for 168 years. Many American and European intellectuals contributed to the first edition.
The Encyclopedia Americana was the first encyclopedia published in the united states. Its first volume appeared in 1829, and it has continued as a standard general reference work for 168 years. Many American and European intellectuals contributed to the first edition.
The Encyclopedia Americana was the first encyclopedia published in the united states. Its first volume appeared in 1829, and it has continued as a standard general reference work for 168 years. Many American and European intellectuals contributed to the first edition.
Buku ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan seluk beluk tentang urutan pekerjaan penyelenggaraan suatu bangunan.
Suatu analisis atas teor-teori dan konsep-konsep proses penentuan strategi dalam membina dan mengembangkan perusahaan dan organisasi.
Buku Perencanaan Pengendalian dan Produksi ini disusun untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pengalaman kepada pembaca. buku ini disusun secara komprehensif yang meliputi pemahaman terhadap konsep dasar manufakturing dan landasan berpikir just-in-time gyna menanamkan kepekaan yang tinggi tentang pemborosan.
Buku ini ditulis dalam bentuk praktis dan sistematis yang membahas masalah anggaran dan borongan.