Buku ini menjelaskan dasar-dasar manajemen proyek yang efektif dalam menyelesaikan tugas, mulai dari budgeting, melacak dan memantau perkembangan proyek, memilih tim, dan menemukan solusi ketika indikasi keterlambatan pelaksanna proyek.
SCM merupakan kegiatan pengelolaan aliran barang terintegresi dari hulu sampai hilir, berlandaskan tindakan efesiensi dalam jejaring aliran barang yang meliputi supplier, manufactur, warehouse, transportation dll bertujuan untuk mempreduksi barang berkualitas dengan biaya optimal, peningkatan kerja dan daya saing kecepatan dan ketepatan waktu suplai.
Buku ini memberikan dasar-dasar pemikiran dan pengetahuan bagi peminat yang ingin mendalami kegiatan teknis operasional dalam suatu unit produksi.
Buku Supply Chain Management (SCM) ini disusn untuk memberikan landasan pemahaman tenteang hakekat, arti penting, proses, metode dan strategi dalam mengelola SUPPLY CHAIN. Penting dibaca oleh Mahasiswa yang sedang mempelajari kuliah terkait manajemen logistik/supply chain management maupun para profesional yang bekerja pada bidang terkait.
A book that introduces the engineer and applied scientist to the ways in which management principles have been and are applied in the kinds of work they are most likely to encounter was needed. Today these principles are needed byb the engineering manager and those that they manage more than ever. The original basic outline of the text looking at the four main management functions followed by t…
Engineering management faculty have recognized Managing Engineering and technplogy as one of the best textbooks of its type. I have been honored by Dan Babcock and Prentice Hall to do the revision and update of this testbook.
This book is intended to serve as a textbook for engineering and management courses
This Handbook is only an introduction to management ideas and practise as they apply to Building Contruction. Anyone Who Develops a deeper interest in any particular aspect is encourage to study a more specialised Treatise.
Basic strengts of this book are Student oriented,Analytical approach, Universal Application, Comprehensive and balanced coverage, Adequate number of examples to explain the concepts.