Buku ini ditujukan sebagai buku ajar untuk mata kuliah akuntansi lanjutan yang diambil mahasiswa jurusan akuntansi sesudah mereka menyelesaikan mata kuliah akuntansi intermediate. Isi buku edisi 9 ini telah direvisi untuk mengakomodasi perkembangan dunia usaha terkini, perubahan standar akuntansi keuangan (SAK), dan tuntutan peraturan terutama perihal laporan keuangan konsolidasi, goodwill, dan…
For ease of use and flexibility in selesting topics, this book is arranged in eight sections. Part 1: Ordinary Differential Equations, Part 2: Partial Differential Equations, Part 3: Matrices and Linear Algebra, Part 4: Systems of Differential Equations, Part 5: Vector Analysis, Part 6: Fourier Analysis and Part 7: Complex Functions.
This book for advanced students combines reference grammar and practice exercises in single volume.
Global Outlook is a two-book series designed to introduction learners to the basic reading skills required for fluent, accurate reading in English.
indication of where to mike sensible break and words when writing an introduction which provides a step-by step quide to using the dictionary
This book continues to provide strong coverage of advanced financial accounting topics and maintains the reputation as the current and contemporary advanced accounting text for students preparing for the future accounting careers.
This book continues to provide strong coverage of advanced financial accounting topics and maintains the reputation as the current and contemporary advanced accounting text for students preparing for the future accounting careers.
This book continues to provide strong coverage of advanced financial accounting topics and maintains the reputation as the current and contemporary advanced accounting text for students preparing for the future accounting careers.
Kamus ini berisi 50.000 kata dengan lebih dari 100.000 definisi. Banyak sekali contoh kalimat dan frasayang disajikan untuk memperjelas arti kata dalam konteks.
Buku seri kedua ini merupakan lanjutan dari seri pertama yang disadur dari buku literatur dengan judul Advanced Accounting yang hanya dikhususkan membahas soal-soal saja. Buku seri kedua ini berisikan 6 bab yang meliputi : (6) Penjualan cicilan, (7) Penjualan konsinyasi, (8) Hubungan kantor pusat dan cabang-Prosedur umum, (9) Hubungan kantor pusat dan cabang-Prosedur khusus, (10) Penggabungan b…