This text is written for use in a second course in circuit analysis. It encompasses a spectrum of subjects ranging from the most abstract to the most practical, and the material can be covered in one semester or two quarters.The reader of this book should have the traditional undergraduate knowledge of an introductory circuit analysis material such as Circuit Analysis I with MATLAB Computing an…
This text is an introduction to the basic principles of electrical engineering and covers DC and AC circuit analysis and Transients. It is intended for all engineering majors and presumes knowledge of first year differential and integral calculus and physics. The last two chapters include step-by-step procedures for the solutions of simple differential equations used in the derivation of the na…
Personal SWOT Analysis merupakan metode yang penting bagi kita sebagai individu untuk mengevaluasi diri. Tidak hanya mengajari kita cara menggali kekuatan diri dan mengevaluasi kepribadian, buku ini memandu kita melakukan manajemen diri berdasarkan Personal Balanced Scorecard.
System Modeling and Analysis Foundations of System Performance Evaluation covers fundamental concepts in queueing and loss models, as well as simulation methods, with their applications to modeling and analysis of computer system and communication networks.
Analisi Jalur adalah slah satu teknik analisa kuantitatif dan merupakan pengembengan dari regresi linier berganda. Buku ini berguna untuk mahasiswa S1, S2 maupun S3 yang sedeang mengadakan penelitian untuk skripsi, tesis atau desertasi.
This book has from notes prepared for a graduate course in metal forming taught during the past several years in the departments of metallurgy and industrial engineering in several colleges.
This Book about Prosess System Analsysis and Control.
This is a knowledge of calculus, unit operations and to a lesser extent complex number and thermodynamics is presumed on the part of the student.
Soldiering Admittedly is an old joining process, mentioned in the bible (Isaiah 41:7), and writings dating back to Mesopotamia, However it is a vital part of modern technology and will stay so for a good part of the next century.
This book is a dynamic professional its literature continues to grow.