Buku Cases In Management Indonesia's Business Chalenges ini berisi 12 studi kasus dengan latar belakang perusahaan yang ada di Indonesia. Studi kasus ditulis sedemikian rupa sehingga menggambarkan secara jelas tantangan dan permasalahan yang harus dijawab oleh manajeer di setiap organisasi.
Accounting: Text & Cases is a product of lifelong dedication to the discipline of accounting. Covering both financial and managerial accounting as well as boarder mangerial issues, the book incorporates a breadth of experience that is sure to enrich your course and your students.
This book provides an organized group of case studies on most accounting subjects studied by the beginning and the intermediate student. The topical coverage and scope of the individual cases have been designed to help the beginning accounting student learn and utilize fundamental techniques of accounting. The distinction between traditional accounting "problems" found in most texts and case st…
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