This book is therefore dedicated of controlling distillation process more profitably.
The author guides you step by step through the intial assessment process, test procedures, energy use evaluation, and field analys, with a full chapter devoted to examining the details of actual field tests for a wide range of industrial and commercial settings.
This new work, while risting upon the foundation of the old, attempts to broaden the perspectives so that energy and its uses are consideredin a contemporary setting. while a fair amount of technology and science pervades the book, there is no longer a tacit acceptance thatenergy can be treated in an isolated manner.
This book will fill the requirements for the basic text a first course in engineering thermodynamics.
The origins of this manual stem from the authors involvement in energy survey work, particularly in factories from the smallest to around 10000 m2 floor area.
membahas Thermodynamics and Energi Conservation.
This book describes alternative sources of energy.