Since publication of the third edition of book improvements in planning, methods, and equipment have proved beneficial to the construction industry.
Mechanical And Electrical Equipment For Buildings
This book covers the TEC unit in Building Services and Equipment for technicians studying building, surveying, and architecture. It will also be of value to practising technicians in these disciplines. A practical book, it contains over 100 diagrams, 30 tables and nearly 200 worked examples.
This Book Follows In The Tradition Of The First Five By Providing The Reader With Fundamentals Of Machine Selection And Production Estimating In A Logical, Simple and Concise Format. With A Grounding in These Fundamentals, The Constructor is Prepared to Evalute Those Reams Of Computer- Generated data and to Develop Programs That Speed The Decision Process or That Allow easy analysis of Multipl…
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) adalah perlengkapan kerja yang harus dikenakan oleh pekerja pada lingkungan kerja tertentu dengan tujuan untuk mengurangi dampak bahaya-bahaya kerja yang ada. Beberapa bagian pengetahuan yang diuraikan dalam buku ini diantaranya adalah prosedur penentuan PPE dimulai dengan proses pengidentifikasian bahaya di tempat kerja (hazard identification), dilanjutkan d…