Essay Writing: English for Academic Purposes is a vey practical book. This book covers very valuable topics, such as basic principles in academic writing, meaningful reading for writing, writing an introduction, writing citations, data gathering, commenting on data, writing references, and revising and editing.
Buku ini merupakan penuntun praktis dan panduan dasar bagi peserta ujian TOEFL. Buku ini berisi berbagai tip dan panduan praktis dalam mempersiapkan diri untuk menaklukkan TOEFL iBT Writing Section. Ada 450 contoh esai yang dapat menjadi acuan dan pilihan untuk membantu mengembangkan ide-ide Anda sendiri.
Exploring Writing features avariety of Activities, which appear through-out parts 1 through 5; these allow students ample opportunities to practice paragraph- and essay writing skills. Activities are title and numbered (starting at 1) within each chapter. Answer to these are located only in the Instructor's Manual and Annotated Instructor's Edition.
An Introduction presents an approach to literary works that emphasizes reading as an active enterprise involving both thought and feeling. students are introduced to the art of interpretation through illustrated discussions of the formal elements of the essay.
Writing To Learn is a four book ESL writing series aimed at adult learners of English from diverse educational backgrounds. The series focuses both on the process of writing and on writins as product. The goal of the series is to help students learns how to write for academic and vocational succes.
Menulis essay merupakan suatu olah penalaran, olah wawasan, olah pengetahuan, dan olah eksplorasi gagasan yang (harus) dikoridori tatanan keterampilan, pakeman keilmuan, dan kemampuan komunikasi yang well-rounded. Buku ini dapat menghasilkan essay yang berkualitas mensyaratkan panduan dan pelatihan yang applicable, reliable, challenging, dan syarat eksposur. Buku Essay Writing ini sangat lengka…