This book is organized into six parts and twenty chapters. Each chapter begins by stating its objectives and concludes by summarizing what the student should have gained from studying that chapter.
Buku Fundamentals of English Grammar ini kaya akan kosa kata dan contoh -contoh kalimat yang pas dipakai oleh siapa saja. Buku ini terdiri dari 16 bab, antara lain: Present Time; Past Time; Future Time; Nouns and Pronouns; Modal Auxiliaries; Nomina Terhitung/Tak Terhitung dan Artikel; Klausa Adjektiva; Percakapan Langsung dan Tak Langsung.
In particular, the third edition has: A series of design boxes scattered throughout the book, Additional section highlighting the role of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), More material on Viscous flow, Additional historical content scattered throughout the book, Many additional worked examples.
The contents of the book will be equally helpful to the postgraduate students as well and to those preparing for various competitive examinationssuch as civil Services.
This book discusses about Elecronics Fundamentals and Applications
Machinists are highly skilled workers who use drawings,hand tools, measuring tools, drills, grinder, lathes, milling machines and other specialized machine tools to shape and finish metal and nonmetal parts.
Most comprehensive volume, especially since the introduction of the moderation system of assessment and evaluation occured at this time.
This book is intended for junior and senior engineering students who are interested in learning some fundamentals aspect of fluid mechanics
The Fundamentals Of Waves, Optics, And Modern is a concepts of atomic and nuclear physical and the structure of matter are presented againts a background of classical mechanics.