Buku Comprehensive English Grammar For Beginner ini berisi bahasan cara mempelajari struktur dasar bahasa Inggris untuk mengikuti tes TOEFL, TOEIC maupun IELTS yang berisi pertanyaan-pertanyaan mendasar yang biasa muncul dalam tes. Terdiri dari 28 bab membahas Simple Present Tense; The Present Continuous; Present Perfect dan Present Perfect Continous; Simple Past; Future Tense; Konjungsi Would;…
Buku Fundamentals of English Grammar ini kaya akan kosa kata dan contoh -contoh kalimat yang pas dipakai oleh siapa saja. Buku ini terdiri dari 16 bab, antara lain: Present Time; Past Time; Future Time; Nouns and Pronouns; Modal Auxiliaries; Nomina Terhitung/Tak Terhitung dan Artikel; Klausa Adjektiva; Percakapan Langsung dan Tak Langsung.
Understanding And Using English Grammar is a comprehensive reference grammar as well as a stimulating and teachable classroom text. Some of the new features are: Numerous "real communications" oppurtunities; More options for interactive work in pains and groups.
Basic English Grammar is a comprehensive reference grammar as well as a stimulating and teachable classroom text.
Grammar Form And Function 3, high-interest photos bring high intermediate to advanced grammar to life, providing visual context for learning and retaining structures and vocabulary.
Grammar Form And Function 3, high-interest photos bring high intermediate to advanced grammar to life, providing visual context for learning and retaining structures and vocabulary.
Grammar Form And Function 3, high-interest photos bring high intermediate to advanced grammar to life, providing visual context for learning and retaining structures and vocabulary.
Grammar Form And Function 3, high-interest photos bring high intermediate to advanced grammar to life, providing visual context for learning and retaining structures and vocabulary.
Grammar Form And Function 3, high-interest photos bring high intermediate to advanced grammar to life, providing visual context for learning and retaining structures and vocabulary.
Grammar Practice For Intermediate Students gives short, clear explanations of all the main areas of english grammar.