Machine Learning merupakan sebuah cabang ilmu kecerdasan Artifisial yang berfokus kepada pengembengan algoritma "Cerdas" yang mampu mempelajari pola dari data yang terstruktur maupun tidak terstruktur tanpa diprogram secara eksplisit. Sebuah model Machine Learning dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis data berukuran sangat besar secara efisien sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan ke dalam sejumlah teknolog…
Buku ini mengulas tentang berbagai fasilitas yang disediakan Adobe Photoshop CSS. dilengkapi gambar-gambar dan uraian secara rinci pada tiap bahasan serta contoh-contoh latihan.
Buku ini diuraikan berdasarkan SWAN "The Study of type". Type yang dimaksud adalah suatu seri dari bentuk-bentuk huruf yang unik yang membentuk susunan abjad huruf besar dan kecil, angka-angka, dan tanda-tanda lainnya.
Interactive Computer Grahics is a comprehensive, unified and pratical guide to the data.
Exploring Writing features avariety of Activities, which appear through-out parts 1 through 5; these allow students ample opportunities to practice paragraph- and essay writing skills. Activities are title and numbered (starting at 1) within each chapter. Answer to these are located only in the Instructor's Manual and Annotated Instructor's Edition.
This Book uses the following features to help you the basic foudation needed to become a successful CAD operator : Provides a true step by step approach that guides you through the leaning process in a friendly and effective way.
This book uses the following features to help you the basic foundation needed to become a successful CAD operator: Provides a true step by step approach that guides you though the leaning process in effective way.
In this book, the basic skills necessary for reading factual material are taught through the use of the following six types of questions: subject matter, main idea, supporting details, conclusion, clarifying devices, and vocabulary in context questions
Buku ini membahsa panduan tahap dan praktis sehingga anda dapat bekerja dengan cepat dan effisien, panduan lengkap tentang interface drawing icon yang baru, bahasan mendetail tentang fasilitas efek-efek spesial versi 3, termasuk animasi.
The first edition of this text introduced students to the range of graphic tools, techniques, and convention designer use to communicate architectural ideas.The prime objective behinds its original formation and subsequent revision was to provide aclear, concise, and illustrativeguide to the creation and use of architectural graphics.