Hubungan industrial merupakan sesuatu yang sangat penting dipelajari terutama di era revolusi 4.0 seperti sekarang ini. Terdiri dari 10 bab membahas Sarana-sarana dalam hubungan Industrial; Hubungan Industrial dengan Outsourcing; Pengembangan Hubungan Pekerjaan; Konsep Dasar Kompensasi; Asas, Faktor, Tantangan dan Sistem Pemberian Kompensasi.
Intisari Manajemen Personalia Dan Hubungan Industrial adalah sumber referensi bagi mahasiswa program MBA, buku ini juga dapat menjadi bahan pengetahuan bagi para manajer yang ingin meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan.
The field of industrial engineering has continued to expand as predicted since the publications of the first and second editions of this Handbook in 1950 and 1963.
This book is very much in keeping with the modern practice of illustrating the application of the theory.
This book is not intended to be completely exhaustive, but it is hoped however that the book will be of great assistance to students preparing for the final examinations.
This textbook was written to provide engineers, scientist, and students involved in robotics and automation with a comprehensive, well-organized and up-to-date account of the basic principles underlying the design, analysis, and synthesis of robotic systems.
Buku Ini Berisi Mekanisme Partisipasi Dimungkinkan Melalui Empat Strategi Pendekatan
This book is intended as a text for the student in courses related to industrial water pollution control and as a guide for the engineer industry, governmental agencies, and consulting engineering firms involved in developing state of the art sollution to industrial water pollution control problem.
With the publication of Manual for the preparation of industrial feasibility studies UNIDO is aiming at providing the developing countries with a tool to facilitate the preparation of projects that are technically.
This text-lab manual has been thoroughly updated to include the most recent changes in industrial control electronics.