This book is developing the science as a continuous thread running through the subject, from atomic theory, through thermodynamics, reaction kinetics and crystal physics, to elasticity and plasticity but stopping at all suitable places to show how the characteristic features of metals, alloys and the processes of practical metallurgy, such as extraction, refining, casting, working, and heat-tre…
This book is a dynamic professional its literature continues to grow.
This is present basic definitions and a development of the fist law as it applies to nonflow and simple steady flow processes.
This Book Provides an Introduction to the basic concepts of chemical reactor analysis and design.
Introduction to Business is concise and manageable for one quarter or one semester. The examples are current and focus on small, mid size, and large business. Every chapter includes career information and advice for students relevant to their possible or ongoing careers. Every chapter also has an opening profile of a business relevant to that chapter content as well as an applications feature t…
This edition includes a wider range of practical examples and problems, and gives special attention to experience gained in our teaching program.
Introduction to Manufacturing Processes provides an overall survey of the field, including the newest methods and processes used in industry.
This Book is still considered appropriate for the teaching of physical metallurgy.
This Handbook is only an introduction to management ideas and practise as they apply to Building Contruction. Anyone Who Develops a deeper interest in any particular aspect is encourage to study a more specialised Treatise.