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Buku Ini Disusun Sebagai Pedoman Bagi Pemakai Lotus 123 Yang Berminat Menggunakan Fasilitas Macro
The 10th edition of macroecomocs is published 28 years after the first. We have been both amazed and flattered by the response our book has received over those years.
The macro Economy Today Utilizes the core question of economics: WHAT, HOW, and FOR WHOM, WHAT goods and services does the united states produce? HOW is that output produce? FOR HOM is the output produced?. The author chalenges students to consider who best answer these question-thew market or the goverment-allowing students to think analytically about our economy today.
The Macro Economy Today is well-known for its balanced presentation and for unique chapter. In addition the AS/AD model is now separated from the keynesian cross, which gives instructor the freedom to cover the topics they want to include and easily exclude the ones they dont.
This edition extends the material in the first edition to cover the experience of the period between 1970 and 1974
The macro story of this book does move more smoothly through the water than its competitors
The present book contains seven chapters devoted mainly to the study of nature and scope of macro economics, national income accounting, classical and keynesian economics, monetary economics, public finance, inflation and business cycles
In this book to help the student, have used straight forward, yet precise, definitions of macroeconomic term. Special examples of current and historic events related to macroeconomics illustrate the significance of key concepts. We hope this will greatly assist students in learning the foreign economics language.
Help the beginning student master the principles essential for understanding the policy alternatives, help student understand and apply the economic perspective and reason accurately and objectively about economics matters