For ease of use and flexibility in selesting topics, this book is arranged in eight sections. Part 1: Ordinary Differential Equations, Part 2: Partial Differential Equations, Part 3: Matrices and Linear Algebra, Part 4: Systems of Differential Equations, Part 5: Vector Analysis, Part 6: Fourier Analysis and Part 7: Complex Functions.
This is the second in a series of three books by the same author design to provide the mathematics for TEC certificate course.
Welcome to a world of mathematical understanding that we hope you will find stimulating, enlightening, and fun. We salute you for choosing teching as a profession and hope that your experiences with this book will help prepare you to be the best possible teacher of mathematics that you can be. We have presented this elementery mathematics material from a variety of perspectives so that you will…
This new editions will be useful both as a general introduction to mathematics and reference tool for students of engineering and science
The text includes a very full analysis of vector algebra, and vector methods are used for solving a wide range of problems.
The contents of this book include what we believe should be the minimum mathematical equipment of a scientific engineer.
Fundamentals Of Technical Mathematics is primarily designed for students who are preparing for technical oe scientific careers.
The logic of mathematical analysis is increasingly being utilized to facilitate management decisions.
This book is designed for use either as a supplement to all current standard textbook or as a textbook for a formal course in the mathematics of finance.